4.6 ( 1296 ratings )
Социальные сети Фото и видео
Разработчик Closr limited

"Closr is a brand new way of expanding and sharing your experiences through photography"
The concept is simple. People in the same location share similar experiences and sometimes these experiences overlap. Closr uses cloud and location based technology to connect its users so that they may share their photographs and help improve each others experiences.
Consider that you are at a concert with 80,000 other people. You dont know any of them, yet you are all sharing a similar experience. There are potentially 1000s of photos of your shared experience, that until now, you would not have access too. With Closr you can view the concert from other perspectives, view moments you didnt capture, or missed, maybe even see photos of yourself that others have captured. Check out the video for an overview!
How about special occasions? We dont always know everyone at weddings but maybe they can help capture our shared experiences. The same concept applies if you are one of several thousand people visiting a touristic or historical location e.g. The Eiffel Tower or Grand Canyon etc. Likewise, if you are on a whale watching trip etc. and have tried, and failed, to take a photo of a whale breaching. Perhaps another person from the trip was lucky enough to capture the whale breaching. They have a photo you want, who knows, maybe you have a photo they want!
Wouldnt it be great to share these photos so that we could all benefit and build a timeline of such shared experiences?